Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο
έως 20 ετών
Spanish Education
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Πτυχίο - Spanish Education 2018 Επαληθευμένο
Απευθύνομαι σε
Παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας
Μαθητές Δημοτικού
Μαθητές Γυμνασίου
Μαθητές Λυκείου
Φοιτητές Μεταπτυχιακού
Ξενόγλωσσους Μαθητές

I obtain a BA in Spanish along with a minor in Education from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I also posess a 160 hour TESOL / TEFL / TOEFL Certification in Teaching English to Children from Oxford Seminars. I even possess a 54 hour Medical Interpreting Certificate in Greek from North Shore Community College. I have worked in the field of Special Education throughout all of my career, starting from a Teaching Assistant to a Classroom Teacher. While I was teaching Special Education, I was co-teaching Spanish courses as well from A1-C2 levels. Throughout my entire teaching career, I have learned that it is important to build a rapport with learners and their families as well as to maintain discipline while handling a classroom. As I was teaching Spanish courses, I also believed that my students should learn about Spanish culture as well as the language. In that situation, our class did cultural projects, read literature, listened to songs, and did performance assessments that had to do with the language and the culture to improve their Spanish speaking skills, pronunciation, as well as introduce the culture of both Spain and Latin America. While working on those assignments, my students and I discussed about the different dialects between Spain and Latin America. 

I also have experience in literary translation as I have translated office documents throughout my internships while I was a student in college in addition to the rest of my career. 

I look forward to seeing you in my class. Hasta Pronto (See you soon).

Γιατί κάποιος να με προτιμήσει

I focus on the student strengths as well as firmly believe that there is always room for improvement no matter how much the student struggles. Student needs are the main thing that come first when teaching and should be addressed at all times. Resilience is my number one quality that is a part of my classroom because I always believe that anyone can turn something negative into a positive. Resilience is a quality that I have stimulated upon my students as well as discussed with families and colleagues. Rapport is another aspect that I choose to build within students as well as families. In this case, students, colleagues, and families see the teacher as a role model that will create a flourishing environment within the classroom and the learning experience. Another thing that I love is learning; throughout all of my teaching careers,

Επαγγελματική Εμπειρία

Online English Teacher, VIPKID. Special Education Teacher, The Guild for Human Services. Special Education Teaching Assistant, Chelmsford High School. Substitute 1st grade teacher, Parker Elementary School. Kindergarten Assistant, Fort River Elementary School. Elementary Special Education Tutor, Club Z. Homework Tutor and Spanish Translator, NFI Family Resource Center. 

Γιατί επέλεξα τη διδασκαλία (κίνητρα, στόχοι)

I have always had a passion for teaching since I was a child. I always thought teaching was always a fun and rewarding experience. I love listening to the sense of humor and wittiness of my students. When I first started taking Spanish in middle school and then saw that I was excelling in the course, I saw that many students were coming to me for Spanish extra help. From there, as I continued taking Spanish through school, I got my first job as a Spanish student Teaching Assistant because I had an excellent rapport with my Spanish teacher. My Spanish teacher in school really inspired me with her teaching methods as well as how I learned so much in her class with all of the fun learning activities we did. Ever since I got my first job as a student Teaching Assistant, 

Πώς θα καταλάβω τις εκπαιδευτικές ανάγκες ενός μαθητή

Every student learns differently and every student has a gifted talent for something. It is important to get to know student needs as they are a very important part of when teaching a subject. Student needs is a topic in which my colleagues and I had a big discussion over. When getting to know the students, I have created Needs Analysis for every student to get to know what will be needed in the classroom as well as how each student learns. This topic of education needs has gone to the next level within my teaching experience of teaching students with special needs because I would observe their classroom performances as well as have to write their educational plans and discuss with colleagues, families, and the school social worker and psychologist as to what else could be met. 

Παραδίδω μαθήματα σε άτομα με μαθησιακές δυσκολίες
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